继承法 Andre Jahn

律师 Andre Jahn, 遗产, 税法, 国际法, Berlin 2025

Legal Notice

Information provided pursuant to Section 4 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):

André Jahn LLM
Winsstraße 66
10405 Berlin

Represented by: Mr André Jahn LLM

Tel. No.: 01149-(0)30-40393-365
Fax No: 01149-(0)30-40393-472

E-mail: info@jahn-law.com

Official professional title: Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law of Germany). Admitted as an Attorney at Law in 2003 and sworn in by the Berlin District Court (Landgericht) and the Berlin Lawyers' Association since 2003.

Responsible supervisory authority: Berlin Lawyers' Association, Littenstrasse 9, 10179 Berlin, Germany. Email: info@rak-berlin.org, Tel. +49 (0)30-3069310, Fax: +49 (0)30-30693199.

The governing professional codes of conduct may be inspected with the above and is set out in:
BRAO - Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (Federal Lawyers' Act)
BORA - Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers)
RVG - Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (Law Regulating Lawyers' Fees)
and the professional rules for lawyers in the European Union.
This may be inspected at the Berlin Lawyers' Association.

VAT ID No.: DE234500065.
Tax No.: 31-362-00154.

Professional liability insurer: HDI-Gerling, Vermögensschadenhaftpflicht [Financial Loss Liability], PO Box 102251, 70018 Stuttgart, Germany.


with the kind permission of Friedel Kantaut

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